Monday, December 3, 2007

Conference - Day One, Part One

When we arrived at school we were taken to a large drill/practice field. We mingled and introduced ourselves to the other delegations. Then, the 2500+ students of Changhua Senior High School started running onto the field by homerooms. They were chanting and yelling. The band marched around the track while the students lined up in neat rows in the middle.

We were told that this ceremony is performed every Monday and Friday. The principal said a few words, the Taiwanese flag was raised and the anthem was played.

After, we went to the auditorium for the opening ceremonies. We were on stage with the other delegations as well as representatives from the school, the PTO, the government, and the companies that sponsored the conference. They each spoke and then I was called up first to say a few words. We were warned about five minutes before that we would have to speak.

I said "good morning" in Chinese (thanks Ms. Zheng) and the whole audience yelled loudly and clapped. I basically thanked them for inviting us and complimented their hospitality. The other teachers each spoke as well.

Then, we left for the conference area. We had a tea break and then it was time to start the conference. Two delegations (Japan and Finland) went in the first session - each session was an hour and a half in length.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello.I am a CHSH student.

The ceremony is our morning rally.We need to run onto the field measuredly and yell some word,such as "Strong,Behave.....".During the rally,the principal will tell us the important events in this week.

Your spoke was memorable for we.Especially when you used chinese to say Hello,it was incredible!!!

Thanks for your water bottle,the symbol of your school is special,and wish you happy new year!!!